Lee Dengler | Music Collection | Jubilate Music Group

Jubilate Music Group

  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group

Lee Dengler

Lee grew up in a Mennonite church in eastern Pennsylvania where four-part a cappella congregational hymn singing was the norm. This planted in him a deep love for singing. This love continues to be an influence in his writing today. Lee composes a wide range of choral, vocal and piano works and has over 220 works published by most of the nation's major music publishers. Lee and Susan have two married children and four, very cute, extremely intelligent, highly talented, incredible...grandchildren.


From $ 1.99
From $ 1.99
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group