
Jubilate Music Group

  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group


Jubilate Music Group is always interested in receiving unsolicited manuscripts which are carefully and thoughtfully targeted to the audiences our respective publishing imprints (Alfred Sacred, Jubilate Music, and H.W. Gray) reach.  Before you submit, please take the time to thoroughly acquaint yourself with the style of each imprint by reviewing them in the “About Us” section of this website.  We encourage you to then use this website as a resource to review specific publications from each of our imprints to further guide your submission(s). Please limit your submissions to no more than three (3) pieces per publishing cycle. We have two publishing cycles per year (Spring/Lent/Easter and Fall/Advent/Christmas).

Please note that we do not accept unsolicited submissions for extended works (cantatas, musicals, collections).  

Manuscript submissions not specifically requested by one of Jubilate Music Group's acquisition editors are considered unsolicited and will be reviewed under the guidelines below.

Manuscripts may be submitted through one of two methods:

  1. Electronically (preferred): Submit a Finale, Dorico, or PDF file of the manuscript to:  An MP3 recording of the submission(s) is encouraged (electronic or "live" performance), though not required.
  2. Hard copy: Submit both a printed copy of the manuscript with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:

    Jubilate Music Group
    P.O. Box 3607
    Brentwood, TN 37024
    ATTN: Submissions

Manuscripts lacking return postage will be discarded. Recordings without a copy of the manuscript will not be reviewed and will be discarded.

Lead sheets or song lyrics will not be reviewed. We require fully realized arrangements for review.

A CD recording of the submission(s) (or MP3 file when submitting electronically) is recommended (though not required). We want to see/hear your piece(s) in its best possible presentation.

When submitting a hard copy, do not send the original or your only copy.

Submissions are to be original material or arrangements of material in the public domain. Arrangements of copyrighted material will not be reviewed.

Jubilate Music Group is to be the only publisher in current review of the manuscript.

Please allow up to 60 days for a publication decision.

Thank you for your interest in having your music creations published by JMG!


  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group

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