Ellen Woods Bryce

Jubilate Music Group

  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group

Ellen Woods Bryce

Ellen Woods Bryce has been writing music for over 45 years. A native of Louisiana, she graduated from LSU with a degree in Music Education, and went on to complete her master’s degree in Music Composition at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. There, she met her husband, Mickey, also a musician, who was studying Choral Conducting. Ellen worked as a music editor briefly in Nashville, TN, in the Children’s Music Department of The Baptist Sunday School Board (Lifeway). Today, she has fun with her family of musicians, including 3 adult children and 4 grandchildren, and looks back on a lifetime of teaching piano and writing music. Ellen and her husband live in Mesa, AZ.

Browse Ellen Woods Bryce publications here.

  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group