The word "copyright" or the symbol © indicates that a song is legally protected by the U.S. copyright law and is the private property of the owner. The copyright notice at the bottom of a song indicates the identity of the copyright owner. For common copyright questions, click here.
The information listed below relates only to the local use of the congregational hymns and under no circumstances do these licenses convey the right to reprint any choral, handbell, keyboard, instrumental or other Alfred Sacred, Jubilate Music or HW Gray publications.
Copyright Notice
Whenever words or music of any of our copyrights are reproduced for congregational singing purposes, on the page with the song, the author's and composer's name or names must appear along with an appropriate copyright notice. For example:
Words by John Doe. Music by Jane Doe.
Copyright © 2016 by Jubilate Music Group, Brentwood, TN 37024. Used by Permission.
Free Permission To Print The Words Of Choral Music In Church Bulletins
Jubilate Music Group grants free permission to print choral music texts in church bulletins (for the purpose of congregational understanding only), when the choral music containing our copyrights has been purchased in quantity by the church. The printing of words to be used for congregational singing is illegal without including the copyright notice as indicated above. Most Jubilate Music Group anthems include a separate congregational page for reproduction purposes, which includes the proper copyright notice.
If your church is an active member of CCLI, or LicenSingOnline, the reprinting of lyrics in church bulletins is covered through these agreements and no direct license from Jubilate Music Group is needed. However, under no circumstance do the CCLI,, or LicenSingOnline licenses provide for photocopying choral music.