Sheldon Curry

Jubilate Music Group

  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group

Sheldon Curry

Sheldon Curry brings more than 25 years of experience in church music publishing. Curry is a native of West Texas and a graduate of Baylor University where he studied and performed choral music under Robert Young and Euell Porter. He studied composition and orchestration privately with Prix de Rome winner Richard Willis. He is a member of the Anglican Association of Musicians and has delivered lectures and seminars on church music in their national conferences.

Curry's compositions appear in national and international catalogs; his choral writing expertise covers a large area - from small church volunteer choirs to choirs of hundreds. His wide range of experience includes writing for stage, film and commercial recordings. Students from kindergarten through high school have benefited from his classroom teaching.

Having directed choirs off and on since he was 14 years old, Curry has worked as an editor at Word Music, Inc. and has planned and directed music for worship in Baptist churches and Eucharists in Episcopal cathedrals. He has also arranged for and conducted orchestras in New York, London, Chicago, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Nashville.

Browse Sheldon Curry's publications here.

  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group