Noah's Rockin' Ark Adventure

Jubilate Music Group

  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group


Noah's Rockin' Ark Adventure

Format:Reproducible Children's Musical
Voicing: Unison/opt. 2-part

Music by Ken Medema
Drama and Lyrics byMark Cabaniss
Arranged by Ruth Elaine Schram

Noah's Soda Shoppe specializes in ice cream floats and shakes. And Noah is one righteous, cool dude in the eyes of God. But today isn't just another day at the Shoppe. Noah has heard from God that He's going to flood the earth and clean the land of its wicked Noah had bet¬≠ter build a big boat. All the local citizens think Noah's mind has floated off with his ice cream. However, the rain soon comes and everyone is scrambling to survive. It's Noah and his family who are safe and dry (along with a pair of every living animal!) on this rockin' zoo cruise. Join Noah, his family and “The Rainbowettes” (Shonda, Rhonda and Flo) in this easily-prepared 20-minute musical as they tell the classic story of Noah in a 1950's setting...affirming that listening to God, doing His will, and trusting His promises are indeed the coolest ways to live happily ever after!

A full demonstration recording ofNoah's Rockin' Ark Adventure
is available for purchasehere.

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  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group

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