Sanctuary Praise & Worship

Jubilate Music Group

  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group


Sanctuary Praise & Worship

Item Number: 00-44104
Format: Book & CD-ROM

Arranged by Benjamin Harlan

Veteran church music composer/arranger and congregational worship specialist Benjamin Harlan has created solid arrangements of 40 favorite praise and worship songs in Sanctuary Praise & Worship. This outstanding reproducible collection is designed to be a flexible and practical resource for praise teams as well as congregational and choral singing. Fully-realized, well-crafted piano accompaniments complement the CD-ROM included in the book, which contains Finale files (perfect for transposition and thematic medley building) and PDF files of reproducible instrumental parts, lead sheets, as well as PowerPoint lyric files for projection.

Titles: 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) * How Great Is Our God * Ancient Words * In Christ Alone * You Are Worthy of My Praise * Above All * Come Just as You Are * In the Presence of Jehovah * Sing to the King * Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) * Grace Alone * Let It Be Said of Us * We Bow Down * How Deep the Father's Love for Us * Awesome in This Place * Open the Eyes of My Heart * The Potter's Hand * Ancient of Days * Here I Am to Worship * Lamb of God * God of Wonders * Before the Throne of God Above * Surely the Presence * Wonderful, Merciful Savior * Blessed Be Your Name * I Will Bless the Lord * O Lord, You're Beautiful * Be unto Your Name * Draw Me Close * Knowing You (All I Once Held Dear * Shine on Us * There Is None Like You * You Are My King (Amazing Love) * Worthy Is the Lamb * You Are My All in All * Everlasting God * The Power of the Cross * Forever * Mighty to Save * The Heart of Worship.

"Sanctuary Praise and Worship provides a vitally-needed bridge for our ‘traditional’ musicians and congregants to expand our repertoire. Dr. Harlan’s arrangements expertly capture the spirit of each song and are so readable and playable. Thank you! ”
Rev. Dr. Julia Wharff Piermont
Worthington Presbyterian Church
Worthington, OH

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  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group

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