Calvary's Lamb | Mary McDonald | Easter Worship Music

Jubilate Music Group

  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group


Calvary's Lamb

A Song, A Sacrifice, A Savior

Item Number:JMG1433
Format: Cantata
Voicing: SATB

By Mary McDonald
Orchestrations by Ed Hogan

The Passion story is told with consummate words and music from the always creative Mary McDonald in Calvary's Lamb. Walk the streets of Jerusalem in the spirited Palm Sunday opening to the Upper Room, the Garden of Gethsemane, and finally the hill of Golgotha. The closing anthem soars with the hope of the pending resurrection. Each anthem can be performed separately during Lent and Holy Week, or together as a 30-minute cantata with narration. Easily prepared and presented, yet an enduring and memorable presentation.

Note: The InstruTrax recording contains both Stereo and Split-Track versions.

Orchestration Instrumentation:
Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon (English Horn), Percussion, Piano, Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola (Clarinet), Cello.

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  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group