Song for the Mira

Jubilate Music Group

  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group


Song for the Mira

Format: Choral Octavo

Words and Music by Allister MacGillivray
Arranged by Stuart Calvert

Song for the Mirawas composed by Canadian singer/songwriter Allister MacGillivray and used in the film Marion Bridge. It has been recorded numerous times and in different languages. In 2018, it was inducted into The Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame. Stuart Calvart's choral setting has become a modern concert classic. Marion Bridge is a Canadian rural community in Nova Scotia's Cape Breton Regional Municipality. The community is named for the eponymous bridge that crosses the Mira River. The song sings of the river and its people: "Out on the Mira, the people are kind. And, if you come broken, they'll see that you mend. I wish I was with them again." Surprisingly easy to learn and sing, and with an unusually nice oboe (or flute) obbligato, this is a fine choice for concert or contest.

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  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group
  • Jubilate Music Group